About Us

    • About us

      A Theatre of Personal Testimonies.

      A theatre that poses questions. A theatre encourages discussion.

      The Švanda Theatre in Smíchov is a free cultural space on the left bank of the Vltava River.

      We invite the audience to participation in a theatre experience, to a dialogue that we attempt to achieve through novel dramaturgy and formulation of distinct attitudes through politically and artistically clean-cut theatre productions.

      We are seeking surprising ideas that reverberate within us, help us define and reflect on the present time and everyday life, see them more clearly in broader context. 

      We build on a strong ensemble of outstanding actors that are apart from generational proximity also connected by team spirit and the ability of personal contribution. 

      Below you will find a brochure with
      up-to-date information about our theatre, its repertoire and other interesting facts.




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  • Tours

    Švanda Theatre Ensamble performing all over world.

    e-mail: info (at) svandovodivadlo.cz 



    We previously visited several countries:

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Happy End

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Srpnové světlo*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Slovenské národné divadlo): Dějiny násilí

    USA, Chicago (Chopin Theater): AI: When a Robot Writes a Play (performance screening)*
    USA, Chicago (Chopin Theater): Pankrac´45 (2 reprises)*
    USA, Chicago (Chopin Theater): Protest/Debt*
    USA, New York (Bohemian National Hall): AI: When a Robot Writes a Play (performance screening)* **

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Hadry, kosti, kŭže*

    Hungary, Vác (Danube Bend Theatre Vác): Cry Baby Cry
    USA, Washington (Devine Theater): The Good and The True (2 reprises)*
    USA, Washington (Gonda Theater): Protest/Debt (2 reprises)*
    USA, Washington (Gonda Theater): Pankrac´45 (2 reprises)*
    USA, New York (Bohemian National Hall): The Night Before Funeral*
    USA, New York (Bohemian National Hall): Protest/Debt* 
    USA, New York (Bohemian National Hall): Pankrac´45*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Protest/Debt*

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Pankrac´45* 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Štúdio L+S): Kdo je tady ředitel?*

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Misantrop*

    Souht Korea, Busan (Busan International Performing Arts Festival): Hamlet (2 reprises)*
    USA, New York (Bohemian National Hall): Šoa 
    USA, New York (Bohemian National Hall): The Good and The True 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Popeláři*

    USA, New York (APAP): The Good and The True*
    USA, New York (DR2): The Good and The True (56 reprises)*
    Slovakia, Bratislava: Kdo je tady ředitel?
    Germany, Berlin: Zpověď masochisty 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Boris Farkaš*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Cry Baby Cry*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Marian Labuda* ml.
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Země lhostejnost*

    Great Britain, Leeds (The Carriageworks Theatre): The Good and The True (7 reprises)*
    Great Britain, London (West London Synagogue): The Good and The True*
    Great Britain, London (London Jewish Cultural Centre): The Good and The True*
    Great Britain, London (Hampstead Village Shul): The Good and The True (5 reprises)*
    Great Britain, Mansfield (The Brunts Academy): The Good and The True (2 reprises)*
    Great Britain, Sunderland (Portland Academy): The Good and The True*
    Great Britain, Leeds (Leeds Prison): The Good and The True*
    Belgium, Brussels (Centre Communautaire Laïc Juïf): The Good and The True*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Ady Hajdu*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Šoa* 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Marta Sládečková*
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Parchant Marilyn*

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with L. Latinák a J. Kemka
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Nakrm hada na své hrudi 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Vlado Černý
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Gottland

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Zpověď masochisty
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Miro Noga

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Pohřební slavnost 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Szidi Tobias
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Dioptrie růžových brýlí 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Stage Interview with Anna Šišková

    Slovakia, Bratislava: Kdo je tady ředitel? 
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Autobus
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Kdo je tady ředitel?

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Mandragora
    Russia, St. Petersburg: Škola pro ženy
    Russia, St. Petersburg: Periférie
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Slepice
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Dorotka

    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Lebka z Connemary 

    Poland, Kalisz: Slepice
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Žena z dřívějška
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Nebožtík Henry Moss 

    Belarus, Brest: Škola pro ženy
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Brýle Eltona Johna
    Slovakia, Bratislava (Divadlo Astorka Korzo´90): Klářiny vztahy
    Hungary, Budapest: Poručík z Inishmoru


    * the tour was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
    ** the trip was financially supported by the Václav Havel Library Foundation